Kim Soo-hyun, renowned for his role in the iconic drama “My Love from the Star” a decade ago, is once again captivating audiences, this time with his vocal prowess. The actor, who portrays the lead character in the latest tvN series “Queen of Tears,” has lent his voice to its OST, marking a significant return to the music scene in the realm of drama soundtracks.
Confirmed by a tvN representative speaking to Daily Sports on the 18th, Kim Soo-hyun recently took part in the recording of the OST. The representative shared insights into the collaborative effort, emphasizing the dedication of both the production team and Kim Soo-hyun to deliver a heartfelt rendition that resonates with the viewers. Generating anticipation, Kim Soo-hyun teased viewers with a tantalizing remark, urging them to tune in to discover how the OST complements pivotal scenes within the drama.
This endeavor holds particular significance for Kim Soo-hyun, as it marks his first foray into drama OSTs since his memorable contribution to the soundtrack of the immensely popular SBS series “My Love from the Star” back in 2013. Now, after nearly a decade, he returns to serenade audiences with his emotive vocals, bridging the gap between his acting prowess and musical talents once more.
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“Queen of Tears,” the latest offering from tvN, revolves around the tumultuous journey of a couple facing a profound crisis in their third year together, leading to an unexpected and miraculous resurgence of their love. Alongside Kim Soo-hyun, the drama features a stellar cast including Kim Ji-won, Park Seong-hoon, Kwak Dong-yeon, and Lee Joo-bin, promising a captivating narrative underscored by poignant performances and stirring music.